Before getting started on a UX project, you’ll need to make sure you have everything planned from a resource, design and development perspective. Although it may be tempting to dive right in, planning is a crucial step. Our team at KnockMedia came up with 10 questions to help you plan and execute your next website or application project. 

Download our website starter questions here:

1) What business need is driving this project?
Why are you doing this project?

2) What are the projects goals?
What are you trying to accomplish? What problem(s) do you wish to solve?

3) Who is the target audience?
Who will be interacting with this experience?

4) What features are most important?
What will a user be able to do in your experience?

5) Are there any required integrations?
What systems, tools and tech will the website/app need to interface with?

6) What is the intended design style?
What is the look and feel you wish to achieve?

7) What device(s) does the website/app need to look good on?
Desktop, mobile, wearables?

8) How will the website/app be managed after launch?
Who will be in charge? What is their comfort level with the technology?

9) What do you consider a conversion?
How do you intend to convert users?

10)  What data (analytics) are most important?
What data points are most meaningful? How will you deliver reporting?

If you need help preparing website project starter questions, or would like to speak with a UX specialist about your next getting started on a project, contact KnockMedia today.