A common question that comes up when we start working with a new client is how they develop new business.  Have you ever considered this? Have you ever taken a real close look at your analytics to understand what it is actually costing you to sign up a new client versus getting new business from an existing client, or getting new business from a referral?  It’s an interesting topic, and one that if explored may provide you with some data that you can really hang your hat on.

Developing new business is not exactly a science… there is really no blueprint that you can follow that is a sure win for every industry.  What you can do is take a close look at history, and use what’s already happened to help you prepare for the future.  Seems simple, but for many of us the thought of analyzing and interpreting statistics is a daunting task to say the least.  Our suggestion for you is simple – take the time to look closely at what you are doing.  Talk to those around you that are in your space.  Brainstorm with your staff and don’t be afraid to talk about the failures.  Those conversations will help you get over the hump and clear the air so you can start your new business development efforts on the right foot.

There are so many options in 2011 for getting sales.  The Web2.0 world is here and cannot be ignored… social media, blogging, search engine optimization… if you haven’t considered a web marketing strategy then now is the time.  We have seen a tremendous increase in everything from Facebook page design to wap websites to help build new business.  So read up, learn about what you can do and how you can apply these new technologies and new ways of thinking to your business model.  For all of us, you cannot afford to NOT do this.  It’s not the wave of the future folks, it’s the wave of today.