A survey was conducted with 452 adult respondents from the United States who were not employed in an IT- or marketing-related industry. In this survey, participants were shown 23 wireframes corresponding to different types of advertisements and rated how much they disliked them on a scale of 1 to 7.

Wireframes were presented for both desktop and mobile variants of the same ad, when possible. If there were no common or practical implementations of an advertisement type on mobile, only the desktop variant was shown. We used wireframes instead of screenshots as our stimuli to avoid influencing users with the ad’s visual design, message, or brand. The wireframes focused people’s attention on the ad format.

The advertisements within the wireframes were bright purple for easy identification and contained placeholder text reading, “This is an advertisement.” The wireframes also had accompanying explanatory text to provide more context. The table below shows the types of ads used in the study and the corresponding explanatory text presented to participants.

You can read the full article here.