LinkedIn has quickly become the leading site for sales, networking, lead generation, and recruitment. It’s a powerhouse in the business world, and as industry professionals, we know how important it is to foster great relationships and open your company up to new opportunities. LinkedIn does just that, it connects you to people you know, people you’ve just met and people you want to meet. LinkedIn is also a great sharing platform, where professionals in their field can showcase their abilities through sharing content they have created.

One of the most useful features of LinkedIn is the export tool which allows you to compile all the information on your profile into nifty documents. You can use these documents as a backup of your profile data. You can check the security of your account by viewing login attempts and device history. They also give you an alternative way to contact your connections by providing you with their personal email.

There are two options for requesting your data: a 10-minute option and a 24-hour option.

With the 10 minute option you will get lists of the following:

  • Your Certifications
  • Connections (This includes the email they signed up with)
  • Your Education
  • Your Endorsements
  • Honors
  • Inbox Communications (sent, received and archived)
  • Profile Information
  • Publications
  • Recommendations (received)
  • Recommendations (given)
  • Your Skills

The 24-hour option has all of the documents listed above with the addition of:

  • Account Status (history)
  • Ad’s You’ve Clicked
  • Ad Targeting Criteria
  • Comments
  • Group comments/posts/likes
  • Invitations (sent and received)
  • Likes
  • Login attempts
  • Search History
  • Shares

As you can see, there is a lot of information you can gather from exporting your LinkedIn information! I suggest the 10-minute option since it gives you everything you need to backup your information and acquire your connection’s email addresses. The 24-hour option will allow you to have a more detailed record of your account and allows you to check the security of your account. Both of these reports are free for all users.

To easily access these reports (covered in the video above):

  1. Click the “Me” tab on the right-hand side of the top menu
  2. Click settings & privacy under the account tab
  3. Navigate to the last option under “Basics” called “Getting an archive of your data”
  4. Click one of the options (10 minute or 24 hour)
  5. You will get an email when it’s ready
  6. After you get the email, return to the “Getting an archive of your data” option and click download.