Getting started on designing a project can be stressful. The pre-production stage of creating any UX product is crucial to the overall success of the project. Here are five ways to improve your pre-production process for any digital project.

1. Create a Sitemap –  Creating a sitemap allows you to organize where everything on the site is going to go. A sitemap serves as a full outline for the designers and keeps some order in what might be extremely chaotic. Sitemaps are crucial during the pre-production stages because designers can see a full picture of where everything is going to go.

2. Create Wireframes – Wireframing is a highly recommended step to take during the design process. It acts as a blueprint for web and mobile apps, and they help you set a foundation for your product and discover early on what works and what doesn’t. When creating a wireframe, it’s really crucial that you are clear about your objectives, otherwise, the wireframe won’t bring much value. Consistency is key when using wireframes. The buttons, tabs, and labels on each screen should have a consistent design. When done well, wireframes can clarify your thinking and set a clear direction for your design. If you are interested in learning more about different wireframe tools, check out this article about the 5 Best Wireframe Tools for UX Designers.

3. Collaboration With Other Team Members – It’s extremely important to collaborate with an entire team during the pre-production process. The more voices that have input on the design process, the better the product will end up. More eyes on the project and more people involved in it leads to more feedback and opinions from your entire team. Without collaborating with other team members, the workload can become overwhelming and may not turn out to be the best final product.

4. Use Prototypes –  Prototyping is essential during the design process for resolving usability issues before the launch of the product. Prototyping your project will also reveal areas that need improvement. By using prototypes, you’ll be able to see how your users interact with the product and how they’ll actually use the final product.

5. Be Open to Feedback –  Throughout the entire design process, you should always be open to receiving feedback from others. As a designer, you should look to gain constant feedback from your clients, users, and audience. Feedback is extremely important to understand what needs to be fixed and improved before going on to the next stages of the design process.

If you are interested in learning more about the design process, getting feedback on one of your projects, or have an idea for a project, reach out to us here!